Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sometimes You have to Wonder . . . . .

I just read a blog by a full time journalist . . . this one as it happens:

and came away thinking a couple of things, yeah right on . . if I was 12 years old and secondly what an asinine pile of arse.

With the sad demise of Apple founder Steve Jobs it was only a matter of time before haters started.

I mean let me be clear in my professional capacity as a designer Apple products have been the cornerstone of my 'toolbox' for many years in much the same way as Snap-On tools are to a mechanic, but suggesting that either Steve Jobs or Apple fail because they didn't, don't and won't solve World poverty leads you to think only one thing . . put the bottle down.

Also I'll be the first to admit that Apple products are pretty expensive and there are certainly cheaper solutions available if you cannot afford to go with the Apple option . . its always been this way with Apple so this is hardly breaking news.

Now to the article in question specifically . . . Steve Jobs and Apple were never conceived to solve any of the Worlds problems they are a corporate business with the specific goal of becoming as profitable as is possible, in fact their long running rival Microsofts former CEO could be considered as questionable having become a born again philanthropist in order to garner public popularity having made himself universally hated for his Windows (insert version number here) creation, in some last ditch attempt to be remembered fondly when the blue screen of death comes for him.

Apple generates wealth for the US economy and has created numerous jobs worldwide, the respective worldwide governments collecting tax from Apples efforts are the ones that should be under scrutiny here.

Similarly I could point out that Apple was the innovator with regards to the iPhone for instance, but you can easily obtain an Android alternative with the same feature set and donate the price differential to charities focusing on abolishing poverty yourself.

I see no point in berating Steve Jobs when all he did was be the best businessman he could be.

He did lead the way however in integrating technologies so that we might communicate with each other and in the case of recent events throughout the Middle East prevent despots and dictators from operating without the worlds eyes watching.

To quote one of the greatest inventors of all time when asked by the President of the United States "Tell me Mr Edison, what real use is this electricity you intend to generate" Edison simply replied "You will be able to tax it Mr President" . . perhaps worth remembering when you turn out Edisons other great non poverty solving invention tonight as you go to sleep.


  1. I've never seen it put quite so perfectly. I think I'd like to post this in our local paper. LOL!

  2. Thanks! . . I'm happy for the post to be reproduced :)
